Increase Energy with a Vitamin B12 Injection
In its natural state, vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell formation, nerve cell health, and energy production. Individuals with B-12 deficiencies hoping to increase their sense of well-being can benefit from the B-12 shots offered by Weight Loss MD because vitamin B-12 injections help the human body utilize stored fat and proteins, increasing energy and alleviating symptoms of depression. Although our patients can experience improvements within two to three days, results vary from patient to patient due to various biological factors.
Your Body Needs B12
The human body needs B12 for the overall health of nerves and red blood cells. B-12 also aids in digestion. Since the body does not manufacture it, diet and supplementation are the only way to get it. A B-12 deficiency can occur when dieting due to the limited consumption of foods high in B-12, such as red meat or fish.
Physical Signs of Serious Deficiency
One indication that there may not be enough B-12 in the body is if one begins to feel tired and dizzy, especially when dieting. An individual may also experience diarrhea or constipation and become disoriented or confused when lacking B-12. There has been evidence of tingling sensation and even chest pains in extreme cases in those low B-12.
Vitamin B-12 injections can be a vital component of maintaining optimal health for more than just those with deficiencies. Benefits of Weight Loss MD staff-guided vitamin B-12 therapy include increased cellular respiration, allowing the body to convert nutrients effectively, enhancing energy, improving concentration, and boosting endurance. Vitamin B-12 injections have also been known to maintain neurological health and mitigate the effects administered by one of the trained professionals at our Denver office; your body will be equipped to reduce toxicity buildup, support cardiovascular health and bolster gastrointestinal function.
Benefits When Dieting
Taking injections of B-12 can boost the body by providing the energy usually supplied through proper eating. From a dieting standpoint, it can also help reduce food cravings. In older people, it can help alleviate the vitamin deficiency resulting from a lack of variety in diet and help maintain energy levels and memory function.
How it Works
Patients on B-12 report more energy and less stress. Since B-12 helps with energy levels, patients are more motivated to continue their diets and exercise than those not receiving B-12 injections. You may receive B-12 injections every five days to 7 days.